the fact of real shit

Install secured Proftpd w/o database w/ virtual jailed user

Recently I need to install simple ftp server to provide access. I used Proftpd which is I believe is good (I used in small project). When I starting install, I faced some technical problem and overcome it. So, I think I should write my experience for my personal future reference.

  1. Install proftpd-basic (follow or any other good document available by searching internet)
    1.a) Configure to use virtual user
    1.b) Add virtual user using “ftpasswd” command
  2. Configure jail option of proftpd configuration (read –
    Remove # (uncomment) in front of below line
    DefaultRoot ~
  3. Configure passive ports
    3.a) At firewall allow 20, 21 and those passive ports (example below)
    ufw allow 49xxx:49999/tcp
    ufw reload
  4. Restart proftpd

-> Test ftp connection

Secure ftp connection with self-signed TLS:

  1. Follow TLS configuration part only from or any other good document available to configure TLS
  2. Replace “TLSProtocol” settings (follow
    TLSProtocol TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2
  3. Restart proftpd

Now test using FTP client, you may see that host name different than server. As because we used self-signed this type of warning we can ignore.

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