the fact of real shit

Install secured Proftpd w/o database w/ virtual jailed user

Recently I need to install simple ftp server to provide access. I used Proftpd which is I believe is good (I used in small project). When I starting install, I faced some technical problem and overcome it. So, I think I should write my experience for my personal future reference.

  1. Install proftpd-basic (follow or any other good document available by searching internet)
    1.a) Configure to use virtual user
    1.b) Add virtual user using “ftpasswd” command
  2. Configure jail option of proftpd configuration (read –
    Remove # (uncomment) in front of below line
    DefaultRoot ~
  3. Configure passive ports
    3.a) At firewall allow 20, 21 and those passive ports (example below)
    ufw allow 49xxx:49999/tcp
    ufw reload
  4. Restart proftpd

-> Test ftp connection

Secure ftp connection with self-signed TLS:

  1. Follow TLS configuration part only from or any other good document available to configure TLS
  2. Replace “TLSProtocol” settings (follow
    TLSProtocol TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2
  3. Restart proftpd

Now test using FTP client, you may see that host name different than server. As because we used self-signed this type of warning we can ignore.

Posted in linux, ubuntuTagged , , , ,

pure-ftpd status error – dead but subsys locked

I’m experienced to install VSFTPd and I’m using it for 2/3 years. But for a recent project I need to setup a test linux box and there I install pure-ftpd for test purpose. Its easy to install but when I start the server I face a problem. I’ll tell you that story, but before that story I want to share the experience install pure-ftpd in my linux box.

Everything goes fine with out any problem. I always try to install from source i.e. make and install. And always try to install into default directory if there has no security issue. In this case to install pure-ftpd every thing goes fine as usual. Install complete! Now how can I start the server that I just installed…..?????? Actually in latest version (1.0.29) there has no init script installed. So, I can’t start pure-ftpd by service command!!! So, I search the net, here and there but didn’t find a init script that I can use. So, I decide to make it by myself. For that I go to source directory for getting the default path of the installed program. Owo!!! thats I found the init script. Thanks the pure-ftpd team. But you should write instruction so that our time may saved. So, finally I copy it to “init.d” and started server. Server starting normally. And now the problem arised!!!!!

When I try to get the status of pure-ftpd server for monitoring purpose. It shows following message – dead but subsys locked

Ohh, I didn’t mention yet! I use “” script to start my server. Now, when I get this status message I was worried that I fail to setup properly and start googling on this error. Sad, they all point the wrong direction! Anyway, after 12 hour of searching I realize that it’s not a common problem. Its may be a small mistake that can’t get run pure-ftpd. So, I start to find the problem internally. I find that my server is running well. And I’m able to do ftp through it!!!

Finally, I start digging the init script and perl script for the problem. And find that in init script there has line which checking the status of “” not pure-ftpd daemon!!! So, I just change to check the status of pure-ftpd instead checking status of “”.

Actually, what happened there when I try to get status? My init script geting status of and find that the script is run and not active. But the sub-sys (i.e. pure-ftpd) that start by the script is still running. So, its show status like that!!! And its really confusing, specially for the user of my kind who don’t know linux at all.

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