the fact of real shit

Batch file that will create skeleton directories of ZF2

After a long time write a batch file to create a skeleton directory for Zend Framework 2 module. Hope it may help someone who work in windows 7 OS

@echo off
@rem this file will create required empty directory of a ZF2 module
@rem author Shahadat Hossain Khan (
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO noModuleName
SET modName=%~1
CALL :UCase %modName% _UCMN
CALL :LCase %modName% _LCMN
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\config
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src\%_UCMN%
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src\%_UCMN%\Controller
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src\%_UCMN%\Form
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src\%_UCMN%\Model
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\view\
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\view\%_LCMN%
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\view\%_LCMN%\%_LCMN%
 ECHO Directory created. Named - %modName%
) else (
 ECHO Directory already exist!
ECHO You must provide module name along with this command as 1st argument

:: Syntax: CALL :UCase _VAR1 _VAR2
:: Syntax: CALL :LCase _VAR1 _VAR2
:: _VAR1 = Variable NAME whose VALUE is to be converted to upper/lower case
:: _VAR2 = NAME of variable to hold the converted value
:: Note: Use variable NAMES in the CALL, not values (pass "by reference")
set varX=%1
set frstChar=%varX:~0,1%
set rstChar=%varX:~1%
FOR %%Z IN (Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx 
Yy Zz) DO (
 SET pX=%%Z
 set c1=!pX:~0,1!
 set c2=!pX:~1,1!
 IF /I "%0"==":UCase" (
 if %frstChar%==!c1! SET _Abet=!c1!
 if %frstChar%==!c2! SET _Abet=!c1!
 IF /I "%0"==":LCase" (
 if %frstChar%==!c1! SET _Abet=!c2!
 if %frstChar%==!c2! SET _Abet=!c2!
SET _Word_Rtrn=%_Abet%%rstChar%
SET %2=%_Word_Rtrn%



<your batch file name> <the module name>

Posted in php, webdevelopment, windowsTagged , , , , , , ,

Prepare USB printer for print through DOS based program like FoxPro

DOS based applications like FoxPro doesn’t detect an USB printer. One way of directing output to USB is by using “net use” at command line

We will use a little trick to work out. We fist share our printer with a share name within 8 digit name. Cause DOS didn’t support more then 8 characters. Then we will use above command. But we need to ensure that we will use text print only.

Now follow these instructions…

  • Share your USB printer and give its name at printer share name
  • Open the printer properties, select ADVANCE tab select “Print Processor” select TEXT and save the change
  • Now use “net use” command
    e.g. NET USE LPT1 \\<computer name>\<printer share name> /persistent:yes

At the command prompt type “DIR >PRN” this must give you print from USB printer, then try printing from your application.

That’s all folk. Now you can write a small batch file to active the printer every time before you go to FoxPro or any other DOS program

Posted in foxpro, windowsTagged , , , , , ,