the fact of real shit

PHP Debug efficiently with debug_backtrace

Hello today I write a small function for debug your PHP code. Its simple but powerful –

$bkTrace=function ($stack) {
 $output = '';
 $stackLen = count($stack);
 for ($i = 1; $i < $stackLen; $i++) {
 $entry = $stack[$i];
 $func = (array_key_exists('class', $entry)?$entry['class'].'\\':'').$entry['function'] . '(';
 $argsLen = count($entry['args']);
 for ($j = 0; $j < $argsLen; $j++) {
 $my_entry = $entry['args'][$j];
 if (is_string($my_entry)) {
 $func .= $my_entry;
 if ($j < $argsLen - 1) $func .= ', ';
 $func .= ')';
 $entry_file = 'NO_FILE';
 if (array_key_exists('file', $entry)) {
 $entry_file = $entry['file'];
 $entry_line = 'NO_LINE';
 if (array_key_exists('line', $entry)) {
 $entry_line = $entry['line'];
 $output .= $entry_file . ':' . $entry_line . ' - ' . $func . PHP_EOL;
 return $output;
 echo '<pre>'.$bkTrace(debug_backtrace()); exit();


Also for response with warning you can use above method like below –

trigger_error(‘warning @’.$bkTrace(debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT, 2)), E_USER_WARNING);


nJoy debugging…

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Batch file that will create skeleton directories of ZF2

After a long time write a batch file to create a skeleton directory for Zend Framework 2 module. Hope it may help someone who work in windows 7 OS

@echo off
@rem this file will create required empty directory of a ZF2 module
@rem author Shahadat Hossain Khan (
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO noModuleName
SET modName=%~1
CALL :UCase %modName% _UCMN
CALL :LCase %modName% _LCMN
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\config
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src\%_UCMN%
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src\%_UCMN%\Controller
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src\%_UCMN%\Form
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\src\%_UCMN%\Model
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\view\
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\view\%_LCMN%
 MKDIR %_UCMN%\view\%_LCMN%\%_LCMN%
 ECHO Directory created. Named - %modName%
) else (
 ECHO Directory already exist!
ECHO You must provide module name along with this command as 1st argument

:: Syntax: CALL :UCase _VAR1 _VAR2
:: Syntax: CALL :LCase _VAR1 _VAR2
:: _VAR1 = Variable NAME whose VALUE is to be converted to upper/lower case
:: _VAR2 = NAME of variable to hold the converted value
:: Note: Use variable NAMES in the CALL, not values (pass "by reference")
set varX=%1
set frstChar=%varX:~0,1%
set rstChar=%varX:~1%
FOR %%Z IN (Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx 
Yy Zz) DO (
 SET pX=%%Z
 set c1=!pX:~0,1!
 set c2=!pX:~1,1!
 IF /I "%0"==":UCase" (
 if %frstChar%==!c1! SET _Abet=!c1!
 if %frstChar%==!c2! SET _Abet=!c1!
 IF /I "%0"==":LCase" (
 if %frstChar%==!c1! SET _Abet=!c2!
 if %frstChar%==!c2! SET _Abet=!c2!
SET _Word_Rtrn=%_Abet%%rstChar%
SET %2=%_Word_Rtrn%



<your batch file name> <the module name>

Posted in php, webdevelopment, windowsTagged , , , , , , ,

Install Zend Framework 2 into Windows IIS

This article will show you how you can install Zend Framework 2 into your windows OS without composer.phar help.

1. Download latest stable copy of ZF2 from and unpack, we call it ZF2

2. Download latest stable copy of ZF2 skeleton app from and unpack, we call it ZF2Skeleton

3. Create folder like <ZF2Skeleton folder>/vendor/ZF2. Now copy ZF2/* into <ZF2Skeleton folder>/vendor/ZF2 And the final directory structure may look like following image (for ZF2 version 2.3.1 dated 20140426)

zf2 basic folder structure

4. Now point any domain into “public” folder. e.g. zf2.localhost.tld

  • 4.a. Open notepad as administrator user
  • 4.b. Add an entry to your hosts (file) like – “ zf2.localhost.tld” [one host in each line]
    • 4.b.1 hosts file is typically located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • 4.c Now save the hosts file and close
  • 4.d. Now create an entry in your IIS (6 or 7 both are same procedure) by following with the above host name i.e. zf2.localhost.tld

5. Now you need to fix ZF2_PATH or $zf2Path variable at “/init_autoloader.php” file of root to point our “/vendor/ZF2” folder

Find following code:

$zf2Path = false;
if (getenv(‘ZF2_PATH’)) { // Support for ZF2_PATH environment variable
$zf2Path = getenv(‘ZF2_PATH’);
} elseif (get_cfg_var(‘zf2_path’)) { // Support for zf2_path directive value
$zf2Path = get_cfg_var(‘zf2_path’);

Replace by following code:

define(‘APP_ROOT_PATH’, dirname(__FILE__).DS);
$zf2Path = false;
if (is_dir(APP_ROOT_PATH.’vendor’.DS.’ZF2′.DS.’library’)) {
$zf2Path = APP_ROOT_PATH.’vendor’.DS.’ZF2′.DS.’library’;
} elseif (getenv(‘ZF2_PATH’)) { // Support for ZF2_PATH environment variable or git submodule
$zf2Path = getenv(‘ZF2_PATH’);
} elseif (get_cfg_var(‘zf2_path’)) { // Support for zf2_path directive value
$zf2Path = get_cfg_var(‘zf2_path’);

You can now visit zf2.localhost.tld to get your expected site.

Please note, you must run latest copy of PHP (at least bigger then 5.3.23 when I write this article there I found version 5.3.28 stable for windows non thread safe version installer for download) from

Now the problem is URL route in IIS. That means when you lookup into ZF2 getting started docs you may find some code to edit .htaccess of apache. What about IIS in this case?

IIS have solution of URL rewrite problem. Visit to get the latest copy of the plugin to attach into your IIS installation. Just install this addon/plugin/extension/demon/program whatever name you called.

After installation you need a file web.config into your “<ZF2Skeleton folder>/public” folder. No matter, here we do a small trick. Just download Drupal 7+ core from and unpack it. There you found a web.config file at root path. Just copy and paste that file into your <ZF2Skeleton folder>/public folder.

That’s all folk!

Posted in php, webdevelopment, windowsTagged , , , , , , , ,

ckeditor installation into drupal with imce

As a professional app developer, I faced to install ckeditor into drupal many times. Each times I need to dig again and again to its working. So, now I think I have to write it down that will help me and others too 😉

Install ckeditor into Drupal with IMCE

Its simple two step > Download & Put it into right place, Configure & use.

Download & Put it into right place

1. Download Drupal module of ckeditor from
2. Download Drupal module for IMCE from
3. Put those module into “sites/all/modules” folder or where you think appropriate
4. Now download full version of ckeditor from
5. Put full version of ckeditor into “<path where you put your ckeditor drupal module>/” please visit for details instruction where to put

That’s it, you are done the first step

Configure & use

Now enable that two module from your Drupal control panel.

1. Fix permission for ckeditor
2. Configure IMCE
3. Configure text format – Administration > Configuration > Content authoring > Text formats
3.a) For Advanced Html >> enable filter “limit allowed html tags” and leave it as it is or put “<a> <p> <div> <h1> <h2> <h3> <img> <hr> <br> <br /> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <em> <b> <u> <i> <strong> <del> <ins> <sub> <sup> <quote> <blockquote> <pre>” allowed or as your requirement
3.b) For Full Html >> enable filter “limit allowed html tags” and put “<a> <abbr> <acronym> <address> <area> <article> <aside> <audio> <b> <bdo> <bgsound> <big> <blockquote> <br> <br /> <button> <canvas> <caption> <center> <cite> <code> <col> <colgroup> <command> <datalist> <dd> <del> <details> <dfn> <div> <dl> <dt> <em> <fieldset> <figcaption> <figure> <font> <footer> <form> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <header> <hgroup> <hr> <hr /> <i> <img> <input> <ins> <kbd> <keygen> <label> <legend> <li> <link> <map> <mark> <marquee> <menu> <meter> <nav> <object> <ol> <optgroup> <option> <output> <p> <param> <pre> <progress> <q> <rp> <rt> <samp> <section> <select> <small> <source> <span> <strong> <sub> <summary> <sup> <table> <tbody> <td> <textarea> <tfoot> <th> <thead> <time> <tr> <tt> <ul> <var> <video> <wbr>” allowed or define tag to allow as your requirement
4. Now configure ckeditor. Specially for file browser settings. Point it to IMCE. Please configure both profile (Full, Advanced)

That’s it. nJoy….

Posted in php, webdevelopmentTagged , , , , , , ,

scope into smarty template

i’m very much fan of smarty templating. though it has many draw back but it tiny and strait froward for a small project. for smarty the varaible scope within template is very much complex. you cannot change a variable value from outside of the template.

let me explain the senario…

suppose i have a base template. named “main.tpl”

<head><title>title of the page</title></head>
<h1>your page head</h1>
{assign var="client_cur_location" value="You are now at home page."}
{include file="products.tpl" scope="global"}
<div id="pagloc">{$client_cur_location}</div>

now your products.tpl

{assign var="client_cur_location" value="<a href=\"index.php\">Home</a> &gt;&gt; Product"}
this is product listing page.

so you need to display the current location but from your included page. its not possible by smarty engin through included page. cause included page variable scope is totally local variable. here i found a solution from php mailing list. but unfortunatly it have bug when php function array_marge is changed for PHP 5

following is the complete modified, tested and working code…

/* Smarty_Compiler.class.php [near line # 950 ~ 975] */
 function _compile_include_tag($tag_args)
 $attrs = $this->_parse_attrs($tag_args);

 // ADD NEXT LINE (default value of the param scope = local).
 $scope_action = "\$this->_tpl_vars = array_merge((array)\$_smarty_tpl_vars, (array)\$GLOBALS[\"_smarty_tpl_vars_temp\"]);\n";

 $arg_list = array();

 if (empty($attrs['file'])) {
 $this->_syntax_error("missing 'file' attribute in include tag", E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);

 foreach ($attrs as $arg_name => $arg_value) {
 if ($arg_name == 'file') {
 $include_file = $arg_value;
 } else if ($arg_name == 'assign') {
 $assign_var = $arg_value;
 // ADD: Startin block
 else if( $arg_name == 'scope' )
 $scope = @$this->_dequote($arg_value);
 if( $scope != 'local' &&
 $scope != 'parent' &&
 $scope != 'global')
 $this->_syntax_error("invalid 'scope' attribute value");
 if( $scope == 'parent' )
 $scope_action = "";
 if( $scope == 'global' )
 $scope_action = "".
 "\$array_diff = array_diff( array_keys(\$this->_tpl_vars), array_keys(\$_smarty_tpl_vars) );".
 "foreach( \$array_diff as \$key=>\$value ){".
 "\$GLOBALS[\"_smarty_tpl_vars_temp\"][\$value] = \$this->_tpl_vars[\$value];\n".
 // Ending block

 if (is_bool($arg_value))
 $arg_value = $arg_value ? 'true' : 'false';
 // $arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => $arg_value";
 if( $arg_name != 'scope' )
 $arg_list[] = "'$arg_name' => $arg_value";


 $output = '<?php ';

 if (isset($assign_var)) {
 $output .= "ob_start();\n";

 $output .=
 "\$_smarty_tpl_vars = \$this->_tpl_vars;\n";

 $_params = "array('smarty_include_tpl_file' => " . $include_file . ", 'smarty_include_vars' => array(".implode(',', (array)$arg_list)."))";
 $output .= "\$this->_smarty_include($_params);\n" .

 // "\$this->_tpl_vars = \$_smarty_tpl_vars;\n" .

/*        original code
 "\$this->_tpl_vars = \$_smarty_tpl_vars;\n" .
 "unset(\$_smarty_tpl_vars);\n";        */

 if (isset($assign_var)) {
 $output .= "\$this->assign(" . $assign_var . ", ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean();\n";

 $output .= ' ?>';

 return $output;


The value accepted for the *scope* param are: global|parent|local.
default value is *local*.

please add your valuable comment how can we improve our scope usability into our code.

please note, above php code originally is not mine. i just modified and fix the bug.

Posted in php, smarty, study, webdevelopmentTagged , , , , ,